Saturday, October 30, 2010

If you don't want to go out tonight

Here's a cool list of films you can watch: Haunted House Films

I especially recommend The Orphanage, it's scary as hell.

Now I'm gonna put on my Wednesday Friday Addams costume, have some cocktails and dance with the warlock.

Big bucks for the home town!

So the $50-million winning Lotto Max ticket was sold in Vancouver.


And cheers to you, Google Maps!

These are the Google map directions for Japan to China.

Jet Ski across the Pacific Ocean? Really?

Thank you! Very James Bond indeed...

Alien encounter

theI'm in Baton Rouge. Sitting on the porch. Weather is nice. I have my coffee. Life's good.
I slept for fourteen hours. Yesterday was a very long day, started in London and ended well after the midnight here in Baton Rouge.
I had a strangest experience on the flight from LHR to JFK, thought I'll write it down. Maybe I can use it some day for inspiration...

So, I entered a Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse at Heathrow (no, I'm not loaded, it's the miles) and went straight to the Observation Deck, because I'm the creature of habits and I like the couches there. There weren't so many people altogether, so I was a bit annoyed when I saw that someone was already sitting there. And the dude sitting there was wearing jeans and hoodie. I honestly don't care what and when people wear, but it just caught my eye, cause you don't see hoodies so often in lounges. So I sat down and as I was going through my e-mails I occasionally lifted my eyes and looked at the guy sitting on the recliner by the window. And when I looked up again dude gave me this really grumpy look. I was like.... whaaaaat?But then I thought whatever, answered some e-mails, still looked at his direction couple of times, honestly just because he was in my eye line and truth to be told I thought he was kinda weird and weird fascinates me. So at one point when I was looking up again, he got up, walked towards me and when he past me he frowned, people, and sighed annoyedly. I mean.... really? So he stomped off and I hope he was sitting in the toilet for the rest of the time just to avoid human contact.
Of course when my boarding started I saw that he was on my flight and I was praying in my head that I wasn't seated next to him, but as you all know I have never won anything in my entire life and sure as hell I had a window seat beside the hoodie. My seat was on the upper deck, there are fewer seats there and as I was standing on the aisle I was hoping I can switch my seat, but the only other seat available was next to this really big guy in a suit that was reading a newspaper and had already kicked off his shoes, so that wasn't inviting. I went and stood next to hoodie and was searching for words when he looked up, saw me, basically flinched and said WHAT?! I must say I was totally speechless, this whole situation was just so bizarre. So I just held out my boarding pass, he looked at it, got up and mumbled something that sounded like sorry.
My mood was lifted when flight attendants came with the drinks and I had Mumford and sons in my iPod, so I was feeling perfectly content. I was even looking around and saw that flight attendants were kinda elated. And when I went to the toilet I swear they were just sitting there giggling. So when I got back the dude next to me was sort of more relaxed and I thought, what the hell, we'll be sitting here for eight hours might as well say smth. And I asked if he had noticed that there was something strange going on with the crew. I really thought it would be a funny ice breaker and as a bonus I added that this chirpy behavior really freaks me out. He didn't even look at me, was staring straight ahead frowned and said It's probably me. I thought he was kidding so I played along and asked if he was carrying a bomb. He was still staring straight ahead as he barked NO! Ok, I thought, now I've had it, u freak. I said WHATEVER! put on my earphones and watched a movie.
So I must have fallen a sleep and he was actually waking me up when they came with entrees. He was touching my shoulder. So I opened my eyes and I saw that my hand was on his knee and I freaked out, the guy had made me nuts. I snatched my hand away, almost knocked his drink over. I was a mess. So basically for the rest of the flight I was either sleeping, pretending to be asleep or staring out the window.
I had a connecting flight through Chicago and when I got to the gate in Chicago I saw that hoodie was also boarding the plane to New Orleans. I don't know whether he was on my flight from JFK, I hadn't seen him but at that point I was really exhausted, had a massive jet lag and I really thought he was some demon sent to torture me (like this new Super(EMO)man). I really felt like crying. But I pulled myself together, boarded the plane last and sat down to first available seat without looking around.

Now that I write it, I truly feel sorry for myself. No sleep deprived person should go through smth like that.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feast your eyes

Nov. 1 at 11 p.m. ET.

We're at the Lost Angel. Great place.


Just arrived to London. It's really not easy to combine flights starting from Estonia. It really is a tiny little country and there's ZERO flights from Tallinn to UK tomorrow, so I'll be spending a night in London.

Had a bagel at the airport!

Tomorrow will be a long day spent at airports and on planes. I hope to arrive to Baton Rouge a little before midnight.
Rob is taking me to dinner now. This should be interesting.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Whoo hoo c'mon party people!

The block party of all block parties!


whoo hoo!

29.10 at 8:00pm. (yeah, it is Friday this time). Yellow house, 1232 Carlotta Street, Baton Rouge

The Pleasure Club Stage( in the parking lot next to the yellow house), Upstairs at the Yellow House, The Doctor Jones Stage (behind the yellow house), NGMA stage (located by the bridge)

Whoo hoo! I'll be the one with a heavy jet lag.

The North Gates Merchants Association will be providing beer trucks. I say: better bring yar own...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Breaking Dawn Part 1

This is for you, Emily. The ending you've been pondering about.

Here it is:
She opens her red eyes

And then there's someone called Aro who is thrilled about the new girl vampire and wants to see her...

I haven't read the books, but.... was it worth the wait?


Casting has started in Baton Rouge for Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2 extras.
So, Em, you can send your headshot and resume to Mark Fincannon:
Fincannon and Associates
2717 Rodgelake Drive
Metairie, LA 70002

I sent this information to my garden house twi-girls and they were very excited.

Although, I must warn you: working as an extra is no ball. You'll be standing around a lot. In any weather. Usually theres no mingling with cast and crew. You are not allowed to take pictures or ask for autographs. They will feed you, but you wont be getting any transportation compensations. You have to live in the area. And you have to have a work permit. If you are not a member of a union you'll get around 60$ for a day (8 hours) + possible overtime, if you are your pay is doubled.
So it's not that grand, but if you were planning to camp outside the studio anyway then go for it.

Baton Rouge filming will run from 8.11.10 till Christmas.

But if you don't get the part, don't worry, there will be plenty of calls for extras in Baton Rouge as there's some heavy shooting due to the fact that Louisiana offers 30% transferable incentive for total in-state expenditures related to the production of a movie.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Schedule permitting

Jean-Luc Godard ei lähe oma Oscarile järele. Alguses ta ütles kindla ei, aga pärast lisas viisakalt, et tuleb, kui graafik lubab. Yeah, I know that line... that’s what you say to somebody you don’t want to see.
Aga keeldumist ei saa talle pahaks panna. Kes tahaks istuda tundidepikkusel butt-numbing no drink üritusel? Oleks võinud ta parem kutsuda Scream Awardsile, see on night of fun and chill + lot of tits and ass (TM Mickey Rourke).
Does it really have to be so pretentious? Gaah....

p.s. I love Prenom Carmen. LOVE it!


DC comics revealed its new Superman.
So, this is the new look:

Bummed out hooded demon with burning gaze and shadows under the eyes? No need to come to save me, man, try to pull yourself together first... Thanks. And get off the meth.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Kanye West has been on fire latelty.

Epic. #Kanyeshrug

And a cherry on... whatever

No, thank you!
