Saturday, November 6, 2010


Writing, editing, packing, uploading... I'm swamped with work. Haven't slept much for past couple of days.

Went to a Mumford & Sons concert yesterday, almost slept in. But it was inspiring. Gave me strength to carry on, really. And I still have so much shit to go through...

Em keeps bugging me about my personal life (which I have none), but she's convinced that I'm hiding something.

And the truth is, that I am... really, guys, I didn't want to tell you this, but do you remember Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? Well, since David O. Russell walked away from this so-bad-its-funny project it looks like Mike White is gonna direct. Hear me as I say: no, no, no, no, no, it is not a good idea to let writer direct anything. Honestly. Bad idea. The whole shit. Stop it!

Friday, November 5, 2010


We finished at 3 am yesterday. Went to bed, slept for 4 hrs, drove to New Orleans. Have been going trough piles of paper nonstop. Wrapping it up right now and I'm not gonna drive back today, instead I'm gonna get some sleep right here, right now.

And if you want to be an extra in So Undercover (shooting in New Orleans Dec 13th - Feb 1st) fill in the form right here: So Undercover

Thursday, November 4, 2010

So I guess they can take the sign down

Vampire has left for Brazil. Just flew out from NOLA. So, Em, Pattinson and Stewart left for their honeymoon, don't call me now, I'm just on a quick coffee brake. Talk to you latter ;)


I can see that you're in the process of putting together a crazy little soap flick right here. Thank you, you are relentless and funny. And apparently very current. Salma Hayek is also bringing soap back to ABC. She's working with Ugly Betty writer Veronica Becker on adaptation of Argentinian telenovela Los Roldan. The plot this time is reversed. No poor beautiful girl from slum, instead there's a working-class man who saves the life of a woman. She then hires him to run her company, family doesn't approve and the suffering begins.

I'll be sitting in casting panel for the rest of the night, so I cant partake in your little game, but feel free to improvise at my expense.


Alien encounter 2

I must say that I'm really not glad that I took Emily to the studio party last night as my plus one, cause she's a brat.

Anyway, Em's under the impression that she has won some kinda bet and as a result I must tell what happened at the party (don't get too excited, nothing much happened).

Here it is.

So we arrived at the party. Walked around with the glass of champagne, mingled. There were a few speeches and then a band came on and everyone was letting it loose a bit. As we went to the bar I saw someone I recognized. It was the hoodie from the plane. He was cleaned up real nice, in a suit and I recognized him, yes. So, Svea, you were right, and so was Emily: he is somewhat famous. Anyway, as I was staring at him (yet again) he looked at me and I suppose he remembered me because he came over. And he was actually very nice, he introduced himself and apologized for his behavior at the airport. I was grasping the situation and searching for words when Emily blurted out something totally inappropriate and I had to walk away in embarrassment.

Moral of the story: don't take Emily to the black tie occasion.

Henry Sturgess

So who is Henry Sturgess? He is a vampire. He saves a life of a teenager called Abraham and they become BFs. He teaches Abraham how to kill vampires and sends him off to hunt them. Latter he gives Abraham's diaries to Seth Grahame-Smith who writes a book called Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
That's a sweet story, is it not? Read the book, its really enjoyable if you're stuck in an airport for example.
The role of Sturgess has been offered to Tom Hardy. And Tom Hardy is read hot right now. You have to admit he has charisma and he's actually a very good actor. So I wouldn't mind seeing him portraying a vampire. But I wouldn't bet on him taking the role either, as he's really busy right now with This Means War and The Dark Knight Rises that starts shooting in Spring. But maybe he'll manage to squeeze it in and then all a womankind can feast their eyes on yet another hot vampire (who's real name is Edward, btw, so here you have it....):

No boys nor kids

Good morning! Weather looks nice today, I have my coffee and am in a good mood.

So let's start bashing :)

Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block will go on tour Summer 2011.
That's a scary announcement right there. I can understand why the kids and the boys would like to bring back old times, but still.... WHY?! You cant and you shouldn't reincarnate that:

Really, if you think about it: it'll be bunch of middle aged men serenading teenagers. How's that not pervy? But wait! There probably wouldn't be any teenagers at the concerts, they'll be all banging on Justin Bieber's door, so there will be halls full of former teenage fans with bad perm who are now saggy housewives with bad perm.
And now the picture is even scarier: it'll be old dudes in skinny jeans singing lusty teenage love songs to soccer-moms. Who dreamed that one up? Must admit it is funny in a kinky way.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

That’s exactly how this grace thing works

Mumford & Sons at Republic, New Orleans on Friday. Am so gonna be there!

We're off to NOLA now!

Prince. Welcome 2 America

On 29th of Dec. I'll be at Madison Square Garden looking at Prince. Tickets sold out in 30 mins, so it shows that there are plenty of freaks like me who find this man to be perversely enjoyable. Cant wait for my dose of funk. Or as Prince himself put it so nicely: arrive early and bring foot spray because, it's gonna be funky.

Oh yeah!

Tonight we'll be at the studio party in New Orleans. Me and Emily. Its a black tie so I'm gonna have to decide on a dress. Its so stressful when people dictate what you should wear...

Divorced Toyota owners

I love research. Research and scientists. I'm a big fan of British scientists, especially the ones who try to come up with a formula for odorless, tasteless beverage that doesn't give you a hangover. I've been thinking about ending the engrossment by pointing them to the nearest tap, but who am I to ruin their fun, right?

And today I'm a big fan of the latest Penn Schoen Berland research that was conducted among regular late-night viewers ages 18-65.

The results are in:

  1. only 35% of late-night audiences know where to find TBS. I know, it can be confusing. TBS, TBS? Sure sounds like smth you would keep in a fridge, right? But trust me, it is somewhere between your remote control and TV set.
  2. Leno's viewers are most likely to be religious and drive a Chevy or Pontiac, while Letterman watchers are most likely to be divorced and drive a Toyota. That is indeed an interesting bit of information. So how about O'Brien viewers? Most likely bisexual and on bikes? Jimmy Fallon viewers? Satanists with lawnmowers? I drive a BMW and I'm single, so does it make me a Jimmy Kimmel viewer then?
  3. 71% of Jon Stewart's viewers support legalizing marijuana. Zach Galifianakis and others? I have got to watch this show more often.
  4. O'Brien's viewers are more likely to listen to rap, while Stewart's fans lean toward classical music. Listening to classical music while smoking pot? Gotta say, that's classy!

Good morning to you all!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Extras and stand-ins

Haunting in Georgia is casting some extras and stand-ins. Shooting in Baton Rouge starting on Nov 14.
The rate of pay for all extras is $79/10

EMAIL: subject line: indicate the role you are submitting for ALSO in the email indicate what days you are available during the week.


  1. Praying Older Woman Ghost—age: 60′s-70′s with white grayish hair—–wigs are acceptable but MUST be in this age range
  2. Hat and Gun Ghost–Black male 30s-40s
  3. Red Hankie Ghost–Black female 20s
  4. Basket Ghost–Black female 40s
  5. Conductor assistant–White male 40s

Stand in specs below: (if you fit the specs just google them)

  1. Abigail Spencer-dark brown hair 5’5
  2. Chad Michael Murray-sandy brown hair 6’0
  3. Emily Alyn Lind-3’8-blonde hair—–DO NOT SUBMIT IF YOU ARE A MINOR/OVER 18 ONLY

Extended Meat Loaf music video

I'm meeting editors for dinner, but right now I have some time to fill you in on our yesterdays' movie night.

So it was Emily, Miri, me, cake, wine and Twilight. Emily has seen all the movies and read the books and she was a bit annoyed by our ignorance. I have some knowledge on the subject, but Miri who has a very serious theater background and has stumbled into some indie movies couple of times was totally untouched by the franchise. So her questions, although justified, made Emily groan: Is he wearing a headband? (Jacob), A buffon? Why isn't his neck pale? (Edward), Are the bad wigs part of the disguise? (Jasper, Carlisle, Alice, Rosalie), Is this a joke? (Edward running) etc.

But if we don't go to details; it is a good girls night movie, fun, partly funny. Em says its also very romantic and maybe she's right, but for me personally romance is not about pain, hardship and obstacles. Not anymore. When I was 11 I used to have these Twilight type romantic thoughts about a guy working at the stable where I went for my riding practice. I dreamed up different scenarios how he would save me from danger and sweep me away to a....meadow.

I liked Billy Burke, Kristen Stewart is really pretty, I just love Anna Kendrick, Cam Gigandet is hot and soundtrack seems to be great. Actually, whole movie looks like a music video.

And the kiss was hot. No denying that.

There were some embarrassing scenes. The special effects money was obviously scarce so the running and jumping was really painful to watch. Also, if I go into details, aren't vampires supposed to be dead and cold? So its not good that their breaths come out like pretty little white clouds...
But there were these really funny parts too: Edward was constantly coming up to Bella just to say: We shouldn't be friends. Stay away from me. And make a note of this, guys, these are the best pick up lines. If you tell a girl you're not good for her, she cant keep her hands off of you.

The thing with the vampires in this movie was that you forget that they're predators. They look like Djs.

I know that Kristen Stewart will come out on top from this ordeal, but as I haven't seen Robert Pattinson in anything else (I honestly cant remember him from HP), I don't know, is he a good actor? He doesn't have much to work with in Twilight, the character of Edward is pretty much one dimensional. So, I guess we'll see what becomes of him. He'd better not do any “pretty” next or he'll get stuck in it.

We'll have a New Moon night soon. Keep you posted.

Oh, and, Rob, answer to your question about prom: Bite me!

Men, men, men, men, manly men

Charlie Sheen trashed his hotel room in a drunken rage, because a naked hooker had allegedly stolen his wallet. It can be maddening. Sure.
So he locked a girl in the closet and passed out on the bed. Practical.
When police arrived Sheen was pretty fucked up (no bun intended) and was taken to the hospital.
He's back on the set now.
And Two and a Half Men climbed 7% in ratings for an episode titled "The Crazy Bitch Gazette."

Would I were in an alehouse in London! I would give all my fame for a pot of ale, and safety

Sci-fi thriller Henry 5 based on Shakespeare.

I'm still processing Zombie Hamlet and now Arclight is throwing this at me? Who said that film industry was running out of ideas? But then again, there are crappy ideas, lame ideas, good ideas and brilliant ideas... and this is running low on something.
Stunner: there are some big names attached to the sale: Michael Caine, Gerard Depardieu, Ray Winstone, ….. Vinnie Jones (...). But its the pre-sales so we know that all the names aren't concrete. So its possible that in the end it will be just Vinnie Jones smacking french around with his laser sword...
Synopsis: In an age of apocalypse, in a land without a leader, a dissolute prince finds redemption when he crushes a rebellion that threatens to destroy his father’s kingdom. But upon assuming the throne himself, he immediately engineers a war against a neighboring state to slake his lust for power. Despite his enemy possessing weaponry rendering their forces almost invincible, the newly crowned king seizes a glorious victory from the jaws of defeat by ruthlessness and cunning. But for all his wiles there’s one thing the young monarch has overlooked. Just as he’s prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure victory, so is his enemy.

All hell shall stir for this

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Saga

Me and Emily are having a movie night. As a thank you, Em said (yes, I caved). So she's treating me to Twilight. (I would have preferred a dinner at The Grape, but so be it...). We'll be watching the first movie. And who knows, maybe by tomorrow I'm a twi-hard. But then again, maybe not, cause I've seen it once (almost the whole movie). I went to a screening, but had to leave before the finale. Don't remember much, so I'll let you know my thoughts and feelings later.

And the other thing we're celebrating is the fact that Emily spotted ROB!!! (looks like every moviegoer is on first name basis with mr. Pattinson). Apparently he was peddaling on Old Perkins rd. That sounds very normal. Hopefully he's in good shape and can escape the horde of girls lead by Emily. She can be really fast in times. Honestly, Em, I don't get your fascination with this franchise. I do appreciate the fact that you are not stalking and screaming and dressing up and crying on youtube, but the way you light up when some vampire or werewolf is mentioned, its not healthy...

But I'll give it a try and maybe I too will be fainting in the presence of Taylor Lautner. 

Dust off?

Mitchell Hurwitz, Will Arnett and David Cross are talking about Arrested Development movie (again). Cross said that they have a great story in mind. No script yet, but the outline is done.

So, is it gonna happen now or what? I loved the show, but really, guys, how long a you gonna drag it? Its gettin kinda old...

Leno drops 21%

Nielsen numbers show that Leno has lost 21%  in his overall audience compared to 2008, and is attracting fewer viewers than Conan O’Brien in the 18-49 demo.


Hit by train


Screenwriter Will Rokos (Monster's ball) got hit by a New York City subway train. He was leaning over a  platform and a train sideswiped his HEAD (!!!)


And he's in stable condition. That's just surreal.

They don't make men like that anymore.


Had a very productive meeting with producers this morning. It's a pleasure to work with open minded intelligent people. Now I'm gonna try to get some work done before Emily comes over and starts bumming me about the movie script based on a book. I mean, I don't get it... original script, maybe, but adaptation.... its all in the book, right? Oh well...

Went to the Raleigh studio. When I got there, at first I thought there had been a bomb threat or maybe Obama was visiting. But then I was told that these are just regular security measures. Ok, Battleship is shooting right now, but I bet it's not about Liam Neeson... I totally get it, anyone who has seen The Exorcist and Poltergeist knows that teenage girls are the force to be reckoned with, but in my opinion they're going just a tad overboard. Would they really shoot them? That's what I'd like to know.

Apart from Battleship and Breaking Dawn there are some great movies shooting this Fall in Baton Rouge. I'm liking Dragon Eyes with Van Damme (grrr...), The Haunting in Georgia (appreciate the irony), Zombie Hamlet (my old fav.), there are some rumors that Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter will join Zombie Hamlet... so what could top that? But wait! There's Piranha 3DD in NO (the world must be ending...). From the Rough is shooting right now in NO and Batman is coming. And few eps. of House will be filmed in NO. So, there's hope.

It's nice to have stars and their fans roaming around the city, but the downside is here: Fresh Market was cleaned out today. So no cauliflower for me.

And it looks like rain...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

NOLA Halloween

I think Halloween is my favorite holiday. It's utterly pointless and I love it. Meaningful things put to much pressure on people.
Tonight we are partying in New Orleans.

If you're wondering where the crazies are hiding then come to New Orleans during Halloween. It's smth else, it's the whole new level of crazy. It's like party in purgatory and you don't want to leave.