Monday, May 16, 2011

Animalistic booing

Booing at the end of Tree of Life screening at the Lumiere was ugly. Who boos at films?
The movie was disjointed, sure... still it had astonishingly beautiful cinematography, fantastic montages and amazing score. It was like beautiful, moving, hypnotizing painting. 

But just like I still prefer Manhattan to Midnight in Paris; it's much the same for Tree of Life - I prefer The Fountain.

In other news.... hotel security in Cannes is stepping up. Guards all over our floor, I now need ID to get into hotel.

Right now we're having brunch.

Yesterday was sunrise party night/morning. Cannes is extremely intense.

Loving every minute of it!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beach Party



We had a lot of fun.

And I drank way too much.

Won't happen again.

Any time soon.