Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Remake of The Crow

Oh boy... this brings back some memories.
Back in 1994 when I was going through my pre-emo emo period, you know, kinda dark and mysterious, angst and shit, I was totally in love with that movie! I was slipping that VHS into my VCR (remember those things?) every night (no kink intended). Oh the pain and the beauty! Deth of Brandon Lee just made the whole story more believable and so tragic. It gave me so much power when I walked down the street with my headphones on, wearing my black dress looking all angsty and indifferent. And I learned a lot from that movie, among other things: it makes you fart if you put onions on your hot dog.

But I really don't know about the remake.
So, I hear that Nick Cave is rewriting it. Say what?!
And the role of Eric Draven has been offered to Mark Wahlberg. Wadda.... 

On a chipper note: on Oct. 30 there is a "Fangtasia Night"@ the Who's Who (BTR). Flyer says: Come dressed as your favorite True Blood or Twilight character! 

Jolly good! So for me it would be either Tara's boyfriend Franklin or Billy Burke. But I think I end up going as Wednesday Addams like always. If I'm not jet legged. Or maybe only if I am...

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