Monday, November 1, 2010

The Saga

Me and Emily are having a movie night. As a thank you, Em said (yes, I caved). So she's treating me to Twilight. (I would have preferred a dinner at The Grape, but so be it...). We'll be watching the first movie. And who knows, maybe by tomorrow I'm a twi-hard. But then again, maybe not, cause I've seen it once (almost the whole movie). I went to a screening, but had to leave before the finale. Don't remember much, so I'll let you know my thoughts and feelings later.

And the other thing we're celebrating is the fact that Emily spotted ROB!!! (looks like every moviegoer is on first name basis with mr. Pattinson). Apparently he was peddaling on Old Perkins rd. That sounds very normal. Hopefully he's in good shape and can escape the horde of girls lead by Emily. She can be really fast in times. Honestly, Em, I don't get your fascination with this franchise. I do appreciate the fact that you are not stalking and screaming and dressing up and crying on youtube, but the way you light up when some vampire or werewolf is mentioned, its not healthy...

But I'll give it a try and maybe I too will be fainting in the presence of Taylor Lautner. 


Anonymous said...

Can I take you to prom afterwards?

Eela Reki said...

I'm not getting the joke just now, but I'll let you know

Anonymous said...

gaah, the pic's not even from the movie!

Eela Reki said...

my bad!

Miri said...

oh oh I want to come too!